
[developedbyed] - The Creative HTML5 & CSS3 Course For Beginners !

Can you please add this course , its a new paid course from a famous instructor called “dev ed” !

3 симпатии

2nd this request! This HTML5 and CCS3 Course looks really good!

1 симпатия

They haven’t added this course , hopefully by next week we would have it …

3 симпатии

It’s still wasnt uploaded :confused:

1 симпатия

It’s uploaded now :smiley:

Can you please send me the link for downloading it…??

1 симпатия

Yep it’s here: coursehunter dot net /course/tvorcheskiy-kurs-po-html5-i-css3

1 симпатия

Hey can you give download link for exercise file? I don’t have a premium account.