Learn to create Laravel packages - Laravel Package Training

Laravel Package Training v2.0

Together with my colleagues at Spatie, we have produced over 250 packages that have been download over 200 million downloads.

We learned a lot by quality packages like laravel-permission, medialibrary, browsershot, and many more. We feel we have a pretty good workflow to produce reliable, readable, and maintainable packages.

In this course, we’ll share the knowledge we have built up over the year with you.

This video course is the perfect place to start your package building journey. The course covers both building PHP agnostic packages and Laravel packages.

You’ll learn how to create a package from scratch, how to support multiple versions of PHP and Laravel, how to run tests on GitHub Actions, and much more! We’ll also source dive a few of our packages, so you can see a few good example of how we do things.

I can’t wait to see the cool packages you will code up with this knowledge.


In this video you’ll see a short overview of the entire course.


Starting a PHP Package Using The Skeleton

In this video, we’ll review the contents our skeleton repository and explain how it can be used to start a package.



Adding Functionality To The Package

Let’s add some functionality to our package


Using PHPUnit for tests

By default, our package skeleton using Pest as the testrunners for test. Don’t worry if you prefer PHPUnit, you can easily run those too. In this video, I’ll explain how you can do this


Running Tests On GitHub Actions

We are going to take a look at how the tests can run on GitHub actions. You’ll learn how you can tests multiple PHP versions in one go using a matrix, and we’ll explore all steps of the run-tests workflow.

Finally we’re going to take a look at how GitHub displays the status of the tests in a PR.


Enforcing a Code Style

php-cs-fixer is an excellent tool to automatically fix code styling issues. In this issue you’ll learn how to run in locally and on GitHub Actions


Releasing a Package

Now that our package contains some functionality, let’s release it, so anyone can use it.


Creating a New Release

Let’s add some functionality to the package and create a new release from the command line.

Somewhere in this video, you’ll see me using the pf command. This is an alias defined in my dotfiles, that expands to vendor/bin/phpunit --filter


Updating The Changelog Automatically

When keeping a changelog, you don’t need to update it manually. This GitHub workflow can do it automatically for you.


Handling Feedback With Issues And Discussions

When your package is released, users will likely start to give feedback. They want to report issues, suggest feature requests, and have general questions.

In this video, you’ll learn how you can use the issue and discussion tracker to triage all feedback.


Starting a Laravel package Using The Skeleton

Our Laravel skeleton repo is an easy way to get started with a Laravel package.


Exploring The Service Provider

In the service provider, you can let your package hook in the various functionalities that Laravel provides.


Installing an Unreleased Package in a Full Laravel App

Even though, you have a full Laravel app available in the test suite of the package, it can be handy to, before releasing it, install the package in a real Laravel app.


Adding a Config File

To allow users to customise behaviour, your package can expose a config file. In this video we’ll add a config file to our package and discuss some interesting behaviour.


Adding Migrations and Models

Packages can have migrations and models too. In this video I’ll show you how to add them to and test them in your package. As a bonus, you’ll also learn how to use factories in package tests.


Using MySQL when running tests

In some cases, using SQLite just isn’t enough. In this video we’ll cover how to use MySQL in tests locally and on GitHub Actions


Using Routes, Controllers and Views

In this video we’ll cover how you can add routes in the package in a way that they won’t conflict with existing routes in the app. You also learn how controllers and views can be added, and how those can be tested.


Let’s Build a Package Together

In this video we’re going to use everything that we’ve learned during the course to build a package from scratch.

If you want to practice your package building skills by creating a PR to the spatie/laravel-disk-monitor repo, please do so!

This video was originally recording in the v1 version of our course. Most of the things you see still apply. In the next video, you’ll see how that old style service provider can be converted to a fancy new PackageServiceProvider .


Updating An Old Package To Use PackageServiceProvider

In the previous video, we’re still registering things in a very verbose way in our service provider. Let’s update it to use our PackageServiceProvider



Our Laravel Tail package allows you to easily tail local and remote logs. Let’s take a look under the hood.

This video was recorded in v1 of this course, most of the things show still apply.



We’re going to take a look at another smallish package. Here you’ll see a nice way of separating functions to their own files.



In this video I’ll show you that you can structure your package any way you want.

This video was recorded in v1 of this course, most of the things show still apply.



In this video I walk through the spatie/laravel-responsecache package. This one can speed up any Laravel app by caching response. You’ll learn how to use it, how it works under the hood, and how it is tested.

This video was recorded in v1 of this course, most of the things show still apply.



Our laravel-multitenancy package can make any Laravel app tenant aware. The philosophy of this package is that it should only provide the bare essentials to enable multitenancy.

In this video, we’ll take a look at how it works under the hood.

This video was recorded in v1 of this course, most of the things show still apply.


laravel-short-schedule part 1: Using the package

In this three part source we are going to take a look at the spatie/laravel-short-schedule. This package allows you to run Artisan commands at sub-minute intervals. In this first part you’ll learn how to use the package.

This video was recorded in v1 of this course, most of the things show still apply.


laravel-short-schedule part 2: How the package works under the hood

In this second part, we are going to explore how the package works under the hood.

This video was recorded in v1 of this course, most of the things show still apply.


laravel-short-schedule part 3: Testing the package

Testing functionality that uses a never ending loop doesn’t have to be hard. In this video you’ll learn a pragmatic way to tests ReactPHP loops.

This video was recorded in v1 of this course, most of the things show still apply.


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