Prototyping With React + Framer

Module 1: Getting Started

Assignment 1.1: Fix the bugs bug


  • Fork this sandbox:
  • Fix the errors in the code
  • Calculate the result of the formula in the code. You are not allowed to do it in your head!
  • Add some other stuff. Whatever you like!
  • Remember to press CMD-S to save your file


  • What are the requirements for tags in JSX?
  • Quotes must always appear in pairs
  • If you still see red squiggly lines after fixing the img tag, hover your mouse on it and try to fix the issue.

Submit your solution! backhand index pointing down

Solution (Promise me: don’t peek until you’ve tried your best! slightly smiling face )

Module 2: Toggle

Assignment 2.1: Style the toggle



  • Use center attribute of Frame to center it in its parent div
  • Use background and shadow attributes and/or many others

Bonus questions

  1. Try using the style attribute instead of background and shadow
  2. Try using Flexbox to center the toggle instead of the center attribute

Solution (Promise me: don’t peek until you’ve tried your best! slightly smiling face )

Assignment 2.2: Checkbox


Make a checkbox that works like this:


  • Use this character inside the box: ╳
  • Use the border attribute of Frame , the value is consistent with CSS border rule, e.g. “4px solid #999
  • How do you animate the opacity of a frame? Check out this page:

Solution (Promise me: don’t peek until you’ve tried your best! slightly smiling face )

Assignment 2.3: Fancier checkbox


  • useCycle can be used multiple times
  • Feel free to style the checkbox however you want!


Assignment 3.1 Help Mr. Skinny Pose


  1. Fork this sandbox:
  2. Add another slider that adjusts the rotation angle of Skinny’s wing


  • How do you animate the rotation of a frame? Check out this page:
  • Use this to customize the rotation center style={{ transformOrigin: “bottom right” }}
  • This assignment also gives you exercise on reading other people’s code, understand it and make changes. Believe it or not, this is actually more important than writing completely new code.
  • If the movement of the cheek and wings feels laggy to you, try different transition configurations:

Solution (Promise me: don’t peek until you’ve tried your best! slightly smiling face )

Assignment 3.2. iOS Task Switcher


  1. Fork this sandbox:
  2. Build the task switcher interaction using drag attributes and useAnimation


  1. What could the info.point.y value be when the screen is dragged up? Use console.log to find out.

  2. How to define dragConstraints when the drag direction is vertical?

  3. Use both onDrag and onDragEnd

  4. How would you start different animations according to the value of info.point.y?

  5. useAnimation can be used multiple times.

  6. Use both left/top and x to put the Google map screen into the correct place and animate it

  7. transition can be used in animationControls.start(). E.g.:

    x: 100,
    transition: { duration: 0.1 }

    Use this to give the animations some final touch.


Assignment 3.3 More drag and drop!
Want more challenges? Kudos!

What else could you build with the drag attributes and useAnimation?

Module 4: Mouse Parallax

Starter Sandbox

Assignment 4.1: 3D card

Fork this sandbox:


  1. When not on hover, display the card normally.
  2. When on hover, make the card slightly bigger and update its box shadow as if the card moves closer to the viewer.
  3. When the mouse is on different parts of the card, create an effect as if the card is pressed down at where the mouse is.
  4. For simplicity, only create two kinds of box shadows (one on hover, another when not hovered). You don’t need to adjust the box shadow according to the mouse position. But of course, feel free to try to make the shadows more realistic. The solution includes this improvement.


  • Use onMouseMove
  • Which event should you use to determine when the mouse is no longer on the card? Search the React doc to find out.
  • The interaction is very similar to the mouse parallax example. Use the same offsetX and offsetY values as the starting point. Can you tell why they are similar?
  • Use perspective attribute on a Frame to enable the 3D effect. Note the perspective attribute only affects the current element’s children. See here for more details.
  • The 3D effect is created by rotating the card around X and Y axes. The angles to be rotated depend on offsetX and offsetY. It’s tricky to figure out what values to use, but the solution uses this rotateX: -offsetY/20, rotateY: offsetX/20. Experiment with different values to see what kind of effect you’ll get.
    • It’d be easier to understand if you only turn on rotation for one axis, e.g. if you just write rotateX: -offsetY/10 and test it, you’ll see how it rotates in relation to the mouse position.


Assignment 4.2 Convert JSX to JS



  • What’s the JS equivalent of ?
  • What’s the JS equivalent of ?
  • The code will look a bit nicer if you move the function declarations out of onMouseMove and onMouseLeave attributes.


Assignment 5.1: Revisit Slider
Fork this sandbox:


  • Use useMotionValue instead of useAnimation to build the slider
  • What if you use useSpring instead? How is the result different?
  • What props would you need for the Skinny and Slider components?
  • How would you track the x offset of the slider when the knob is dragged? Remember how we did it in the card swipe example?
  • Do you still need onDrag?


Assignment 5.2: Bottom Sheet
Fork this sandbox:


  • Build a bottom sheet as shown in the video below
  • Populate the image gallery with the photos array
  • If the user releases the mouse when the bottom sheet is dragged up more than halfway, animate the bottom sheet and the image gallery to full screen
  • Otherwise, move the bottom sheet and the image gallery back to their original positions
  • There should be a backdrop darkening the map while dragging
  • Fix any warnings in the console


  • Use a combination of useMotionValue, useTransform and useAnimation
  • Use onDragEnd
  • Use a Frame with black background and opacity to create the backdrop overlay


Assignment 6.1 Counter


Make a simple counter like this


Assignment 6.2 Card Deck Continued



  • Use the onThumbUp prop of Card
  • State doesn’t have to be numbers. It can be other things, for example, an array!
  • How to add things into an array? Use this syntax:

const array1 = [3, 2, 1]

const array2 = [...array1, 4]

// The resulting array2 will be [3, 2, 1, 4]

Did you recognize the three dots? Yup, “spread operator” can be used with arrays too!


Assignment 6.3. Bonus
Think for a minute. What have you learned so far?

  • A few different ways to create animations:
    • animate prop and onTap
    • drag props, onDrag and useAnimation
    • useMotionValue, useSpring and useTransform
  • React states
    • useState: how to request our component “printer” to print a new page?
    • useCycle is actually useState in disguise.

Can you use a combination of the above to build something cool?

Here’s my attempt, a replica of the Messages app on iOS. It only prints out outgoing messages, but you get the idea.

If you need an iPhone X frame, fork this sandbox.

Assignment 7.1 Flashcard Transition



  • Download the result mp4 file. Play it in slow motion or frame by frame to observe the details.
  • Remember? You can use transition to customize the animation:

anim.start({ scale: 1, transition: { duration: 0.3 }})


Assignment 7.2 Complete Flashcard Transition




Module 8: Scroll Effects

Video Starter Code


Assignment 8.1: Image Background Parallax



  • Use either useSticky or useTransform to make the background image sticky
  • How would you make that sliding window? It’d be a normal Frame with overflow=“hidden”.


Assignment 8.2: iPhone XR Marketing Page



  • Follow along with the course videos to understand how to use the input/output ranges of useTransform to make different effects
  • Start with a very simple project first to test out useSticky, useSpeed and useTrigger, such as this sandbox. Make sure to understand the parameters of each function.


Module 9: Framer X

Video Starter Code


Assignment 9.1: Animate Status Bar



  1. You could directly add overrides to the status bar, but it won’t work.
  2. You’ll need to add a Frame as the parent of the status bar, and add overrides to the Frame.
  3. Do you know why only the second solution works?


Assignment 9.2: Flashcard Transition



  • The value of a variant can be an array, which defines the keyframes of the animation:
    export function SomeOverride(): Override {
    return {
    variants: { on: { opacity: [0, 0.25, 1] }}
  • You can control the timing of each keyframe with times in transition prop:
    export function SomeOverride(): Override {
    return {
    variants: { on: { opacity: [0, 0.25, 1] }},
    transition: { times: [0, 0.4, 1] }

Here, the numbers in times are between 0 and 1. The size of the times array needs to be the same as arrays in variants


Module 10: Stock Chart

Video Starter Code / Links


  • tsla.json file

Assignment 10.1: High & Low Prices



  • How to create two lines in the chart? Insert two object with different id.


{ id: "high", data: [...] },

{ id: "low", data: [...] }


  • If the chart looks different than the above, try a different value of stacked in yScale.


Assignment 10.2 Currency Exchange Rate Chart


  • Build an interactive bar chart that allows the user to select from and to currencies
  • Get the exchange rates for the past 12 months
  • Use Nivo or ReCharts or any other chart library (the solution uses ReCharts)
  • Don’t forget to add a progress indicator and error handling.


  • Documentation for the data API:
  • Remember to get a free API key for the web service
  • How many times do you need to use useState in the App component?
  • Can you extract the select into a separate component to make the code better?


Module 11: Framer Motion

Assignment 11.1: Build swiping card with Motion



  • Use flexbox to center the card.


Assignment 11.2: Count down animation



  • You only need to update the Digit component.
  • Animate rotateX to achieve the card flipping effect
  • Use transformOrigin: "top"
  • Use position: "absolute" if the animation doesn’t behave as expected
  • For better result, wrap your motion.div with a div that has a fixed width and height. Why? This is due to position: "absolute".
  • Read the rest of the code to learn how the timer is setup, how the CountDown component is broken down into Digits and Digit, etc.
  • You can use this component in your app if you want!


Module 12: SVG animations

Assignment 12.1 Animate the check mark



  • If you set the pathLength of the check mark svg, you’ll see that it’s not working. Why? Add stroke and strokeWidth props to find out!
  • Instead of what’s in the d prop of that tag, you probably want to use this one: d=“M3 50L45 92L134 3”


Assignment 12.2 Two-knob dial



  • Use the new knob to control the pathOffset of the SVG circle
  • Create two MotionValues, startAngle and endAngle
  • Use onMouseDown to determine which knob is being pressed
  • pathLength no longer only depends on one angle. It depends on both startAngle and endAngle.
  • After you finish, if you move the start knob to the left of the top point, the circle will be invisible, do you know why?
