10 часов , октябрь 2018
4.6 (274 ratings)
7,879 students enrolled
What you’ll learn
- Deeply understand how MongoDB works - cursor, batch size, iterator
- Launch production database on the Atlas MongoDB - managed cloud-based MongoDB database
- Install and configure production MongoDB on the dedicated or virtual private server
- Understand and use different MongoDB BSON types - ObjectId, ISODate, NumberInt etc.
- Learn how to use MongoDB Shell, Robo 3T (Robomongo), MongoDB Compass for database management
- Perform different kinds of update operations using operators $set, $rename, $addToSet, $push, $inc etc
- Use different kinds of queries and query operators like $in, $eq, $regex, $elemMatch etc.
- Easily combine different aggregation stages like $match, $group, $unwind
- Understand purpose of the indexes and create indexes
- Use backup and restore tools - mongoexport, mongoimport, mongodump and mongorestore