Buy Course Hunter Membership

How can i buy the course hunter membership via paypal ?

2 симпатии

We dont have paypal at this moment, working on it, maybe will add him this month.

Is there any alternate way i am from Pakistan ?

Try any mastercard card

Hi Andrew thanks for help.
Can you mention the membership benefits.

Please add paytm, I want the membership.

I have tried paying for membership with both mastercard and visa card and all transactions were rejected. Any idea why? For other sites, these cards work just fine.

I try to make payment but I got the following message:

We’re sorry. We can’t complete your purchase at this time.

To comply with regulatory requirements, this transaction has been declined.

Do you accept wire transfer?
I will send the amount from western union or any bank?

I do not have paypal or mastercard. So, plz provide me credential to watch premium content or plz tell me your bank account information so that i can send the amount from bank.

Hi Andrew! Could you please add cryptocurrency support? Generally it have much lower fee and you don’t have to deal with regulations or bans.

I want a membership but the instructions on the donation page is not clear

If no crypto, can you write an instruction how to use the megakassa form? what to type in Destination of transfer? how much does the membership cost? I can’t find the instruction.

I can not buy with paypal is it possible with paypal
or i want to pay with payonner how can i do this please

Paypal could not process my payment. Could I pay with credit card? Look like they don’t accept international credit card too. How to pay Andrew? Thank you for your kindness. I have contact you via Telegram and you has gave me some free courses. I want to give you back. But it’s too hard to make a payment.

I’m trying to pay subscription fee through visa debit card. But it is failing and not going through.

1 симпатия

I cannot buy membership through JCB

@Andrew.Kaluba - Coursehunters isn’t accepting membership payments. You even removed the PayPal payment gateway. Why did you mess it up?

@Andrew.Kaluba Hi why was paypal removed ? I find it difficult to purchase new subscription with such limited options…

there is an option there, Оплата UAH - Ukraine payment processor, the second one, works great for EU, US & GB

Не могу оплатить акк - paypal отключили, а остальные сервисы не работают с US картами.